In another passage in 1 Chronicles 29:2, where we read of “stones of pûkh” (R.V. “In the figure the antimony would represent the costly mortar used to set off the brilliancy of the still more costly stones.

This metal was used in the Persian ancient world as an eye liner – we know it today as Khol eyeliner – Cambridge concordance says the word ‘puhk’ in the translation refers to this. The adornment referred to is saphires and other stones set in a metal called ‘Antimony’. This passage is set in the context of describing a woman who is barren, and goes on to say that she will be the bearer of many many children, and she will be adorned for her husband – her Creator and ‘Maker’. If you read the concordances there is a far richer description of the language – Though he wants to protect us and provide a strong setting I don’t see this as the primary meaning of the use of these words in the passage – it is not so much about strenth and protection, as it is about setting the precious things he has given his people in a way that will bring out their best. Our setting is durable and mighty, and it displays God’s faithfulness to us. He wants us to shine and sparkle as we are held up to the light. He wants our gifts shown brilliantly and with splendor. God is building a life for each one of us that is rock solid. We could paraphrase Verse 11 by saying “I will set your stones in a strong setting that has many elements combined to make it stronger and more secure.” We wouldn’t place a beautiful diamond in a tin setting that might cave under the weight, and God wouldn’t place our gifts in a weak or unsubstantial mounting either. Finally I discovered it refers to the way metals are mixed and weighted for greater power and strength. I often read that scripture, but it didn’t mean too much to me because I didn’t know what antimony was. Here is his promise: “Behold, I will set your stones in antimony” (Verse 11). He also has a setting in mind – one that will adequately support our stones. He says “And your foundations I will lay in sapphires” and “I will make your battlements of rubies, and your gates of crystal” (Isaiah 54:11-12). God often speaks of rewards to his people in terms of gems. Do you love gemstones such as rubies, diamonds, and sapphires? Do you delight in the sparkle and depth of color, turning them in the light to catch their brilliance? Of course loose stones aren’t necessarily shown or carried to their best advantage people usually have them mounted in a setting.