Shinsuke learned it against Arakumo Gakuen, in the semi finals of the Holy Road in episode 38. Mamoru used his hissatsu with an aura (similar to Shin God Hand's aura) but failed against Baddap's Death Spear. Tachimukai Yuuki later learned the technique by observing Mamoru's Majin The Hand, but unlike Mamoru's yellow Majin The Hand, Tachimukai's variation is blue (the color of Tachimukai's aura). During the match against Oumihara, Mamoru used Majin The Hand without touching his heart. In order to gather the energy in his right hand, Mamoru would start off the technique by twisting his body so he would face the opposite direction.

It is explained that the technique gets its power from the heart, which is more easily gathered in the left hand (as the heart is on the left side of the body). After much frustration with trying to decipher the cryptic and vague instructions written in Daisuke's technique manual, Mamoru manages to execute the technique during the Football Frontier Final match against Zeus Junior High after realizing that his grandfather used his left hand for Majin The Hand, after noticing the wear and tear of Daisuke's left goalkeeper's glove, while Mamoru had been trying to do it with his right. Majin The Hand was first referred to as a "Phantom Technique", as no one besides Endou Mamoru's grandfather, Daisuke, was able to master it (not even his student). Tachimukai Yuuki (Training Center form).Endou Mamoru (Oden form, Tonegawa Tousen and Short-term Study Abroad form).